It had to be done

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MtfoxX3's avatar



Time to finally do those tags! :dummy: I'm going to tag people at the end of the two tags and they can just choose to do whichever on they want.

Tagged by :iconzirion-goatz:


You can not tag the one who tagged you.

You must post ten things about yourself. (5 if those things are secrets nfufufu)

You must answer the questions asked.

You do not have to tag anyone if you don't want to.

If you do tag someone, ask them anything between 5 to ten billion questions.

Things about me

) I'm enrolled in college even though I'm in high school. Stupid right?

2.) I have an irrational fear of beeeeees...

3.) I have a backpack that I carry around that is 1/3 of my weight and 1/2 my size. 

4.) The backpack mentioned above causes me to fall onto my back whenever I kneel down or attempt to sit, which of course ensues many "turtle" jokes.

5.) I filled in a bubble wrong on my PSAT's and the colleges I get e-mails from think I want to be a dance major.

6.) My dragon characters are often called "ducks" in the real world.

7.) I'm going to animeexpo (probably) as Armin.

8.) I.......... am supposed to be doing homework right now.

9.) I'm tired.

10.) I... am watching Avatar the Last Airbender..?


1: Who is your favorite artist on any art site? 

Well good golly gosh.. um... let's see here... Aw come on I can't do that! Pfff..... uh.... it changes often so I don't even know if I have a favorite.

2: What is your preferred art style? (Fantasy art, realistic art, cartoony art)

I like cartoony, in case it wasn't obvious =P It's just so fun and there's so many different things you can do with it!

3: Who could you call a true friend? And why?

Who? You want me to name my friends or just say the qualities of a good friend..? 0.0 Well, in an effort to not offend anyone, I'm just going to list the qualities.  A true friend is someone who you can talk to openly and freely, and is someone who you're comfortable around.  A good friend is a good influence on your life, and is supportive of you, and of course it's expected that you be the same way back.

4: What is your preferred way of communication? (Deviantart comments/notes, skype, steam, facebook, whatever)

Deviantart. Honestly I don't know why Steam is considered a form of communication... or even a social media... but you know, whatever, if it works it works.

5: What type of music do you listen to?

I like any music except Jazz. If I can't figure out what the beat is I automatically hate the song because I'm just frustrated and irritated the entire time I'm listening to it :dummy: 

6: Do you like tagging people/being tagged?

I don't like tagging people, and I like being tagged as long as it's not by like... 10 people at once.... which often happens. It seems like once you do one tag, people are just like "Oh she does tags! Let's tag her!" all at the same time.

7: Favorite mythical animal?

=_=................. centaur.

8: Favorite REAL animal

Fawx :dummy: They're so cute ^^

My questions: 

1. Buddy the elf what's your favorite color? :3

2. What was the last YouTube video you watched or last song you listened to?

3. Do you play video games? If so, do you consider yourself a casual, hardcore, or somewhere in the middle?

4. If you could spend only one day in any cartoon or anime or animated movie, where would it be?

5. Look a wild bidoof appeared!!! This may be your only chance to own a Pokemon, EVER! Will you catch it...? Oh and it has been pre-nicknamed Justin Beaver.

2nd tag: From :iconarchsteel:

1: Choose any number of your OCs.
2: Make your OC (s) answer these questions.
3: Tag three other people.
4: Add one question of your own.

I'm going to use Flint here, because why in the world not? ^^

1. Do you want a hug?

I uh... sure ^^

2: Are you a virgin?

W-Well I... I mean... I've never really had time for uh... I've had to take care of Lilly and all that- wait why do you want to know?!

3: Do you have any kids?'

No, see above question >.<

4: Have you killed anyone?

Of course I haven't! Why on earth would I do that?

5: Do you hate someone?

Pfff... yeah. Just one person though.. and you'd hate her too if you were me.

6: Love anyone?

N-Not really LOVE persay... but I mean, there is one girl I kinda like...

7: What is your job?

As of right now I'm a student. I'm studying to become a doctor actually ^^

8: Favorite Season?

Winter, because I love being able to curl up in front of the fireplace while the rain and snow is tapping on the roof... I hear it's even nicer outside the city... they have to emulate that sort of thing since our city is pretty much surrounded by a giant dome.

9: Who's your best friend?

A crazy dragon girl. It's a long story... but she's a sweetheart.

10: Any talents or hobbies?

Well, I can sort of draw, but I don't really show anyone... and I play the violin, but it's been a few years and I was never very good...

11: What are you going to do once this tag is over?

I'm going to order a pizza then go to bed :dummy:

12: What is your eye color?

A sort of hazelish color

13: What's your morality? Good or Bad?

Good I suppose, though it's kind of a funny thing to call it... It's really just... not evil... does that count as good?

14: What is your greatest fear?

Dragons.... and gryphons... and nagas... dragons... the city's barrier going down, and dragons...

15: What do you think of your parents?

They're pretty sweet, but a little overprotective... though I don't really mind since I've been living on my own... I mean I'm 23 years old after all.

16: Any siblings?

I have one, her name is Lilly. She's my little sister ^^

17: Was it fun to answer all these questions?

I don't really know if "fun" is the word for it... but it wasn't awful... looks like we've got quite a few more though.

18: How do you feel about your creator?

I think she needs to give me a girlfriend

19: Do you have any weakness?

Well the thing about me is, I'm not really special... so, just the same kinds of "weaknesses" that any other human being would have.

20: If you could have one wish...?

I'd wish my sister and I could leave this awful city... it's terrible here... there's so much to be afraid of.

21: Your favorite element?

.... uh... are we talking about the periodic table here or like, earth fire water ect..?

22: Who is your superior?

I don't have a "leader" persay, but I guess that would be Margo since she's pretty much in charge of taking care of this part of the city... we're usually on pretty good terms but lately she's seemed pretty ticked at me... can't imagine why.

23: What anime would you switch to for awhile if you could?

Any anime but attack on titan. That'd really be no better than my current situation.

24: Sexual Orientation?

Uh...... straaaight..?

25: Do you care what others think of you?

Not usually, but I guess it depends on who it is.

26: Hi...
Hello, but I think you should have opened with that.


Well, I'm training to become a doctor, so for medicinal purposes yes.

28: Are you flirtatious?
Not at aaaall!

29: Would you change gender if you could?

I don't really see the need to.

30:+ If you could change your boyfriend's/girlfriend's gender, would you do it

I don't have a girlfriend and no. Why would I want to do that? Wouldn't I just get one of the other gender to begin with if I was going to want to make a change that drastic?


You would not believe your eeeys, if ten million firefliies- sorry what was the question?

32: If you could re-design yourself, what one thing would you change?

I'd make me less useless... just... just in general.

33: Do you have a favorite drink?

Sparkling cider ^^

34: If you could be any animal, what would you be?

Uh... I'm pretty okay with being a human, but maybe a naga. That would be fun.

35: If you could redo your life, what would you change?

I would have gotten out of this place when I had the chance.

36: What do you do when you're bored?

Lilly: He breaks into song and dance.
Flint: That's a lie!

37: Favorite video games?

I like Tetris. Simple concept, but still very fun. Also dat music.

38: Have you ever considered a fetish?

I don't have one no... but I've studied them. Did you know there's this fetish where people actually ENJOY the idea of being eaten alive...? I.... I don't get that at all... but a place like this would be good for those people.

39. If you were in an anime who would play your voice?

Jaaaason Griffith. You know... the old Saaanic.

40. Has there ever been a time where you find yourself lost or confused on what to do in a situation?

Oh yeah, absolutely... Melanie could tell you all about it.

41.Do you have any powers or abilities?

Nope. Not a one. *sighs*

42: What's your favorite type of cake!?

Spice cake ^^ with cream cheese icing...

43: Boxers or Briefs?

0.0 Whyyyy...?

44: What kind of house do you live in?

A pretty standard two story house, three bedrooms, two bathrooms... nothing special about it really. Just a single indistinguishable house among thousands.

45. Would you stab a random person on the street?

What would make you think I would? 

46: Who would you die for?

Only a couple people...

47: How easy would it be to get you into bed with someone else?

=_=... Why is this quiz so perverted?

48: Have any OTPS?

OOP oh there you go again!

49: If you had to date any fictional character, who would it be???

*rubs head* ugh... I quit. Oh I don't know! Maria Robotnik seemed like a nice girl, but I mean.. she was like... 12.... so maybe not.

50: Do you have battle scars?

Can't get battle scars if you've never been in battle.

51: Have you ever been in a war?

I don't know if the one going on around me counts... since I'm not directly involved.

52: Would you wear the flag of your country with pride?  

I'd hardly call this area a country... but no. No I wouldn't.

53:Can you swim?

Yes. Not very well.. but yes.

53: QUICK Favorite color

Eep! Orange!

54:what do you hate about humans most?

I uh... I am a human... but I guess our cowardly nature.

55: Do you fight alone or with friends?

With friends, there's no way I could do any fighting on my own.

56: Is there anyone who used to be in your life that you miss?

Surprisingly enough, not really... I mean I used to have a girlfriend, but it was a short relationship... I'm not really sure what happened to her.

I add 57: You've just been declared king or queen of the world! What is your first royal decree?

Sheesh I'm tired from doing all that... you know what, you can do these if you want... I'm too lazy to tag.

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SentinelWinder's avatar
im ben tagged too ... its really fun